I went to see the movie called „Friendship“ with my host family, and it was really good. I don’t know if it was shown in America, but it’s basically set right after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the main characters are two guys from East Germany visiting America for the first time... and they can’t really speak English either ^^. If it’s also playing in America, which I really doubt it is, I suggest that you watch it.
Friday, January 15th, 2010.
I switched host families. Some problems came up, and well... yeah. I’m going to be staying with my community representative now. Luckily I’m going to be going to the same school. Normally a family change takes three weeks, but I just had some luck.

That's a picture of my host mom and I on the lake. I have a host father who works t of the week in Bonn, so he's not home when it's not a weekend. I also have a host brother who goes to the same school as me, but one grade higher. My other two host brothers are studying at universities; one in Germany and one in New York.
My host mom and I went ice skating together at Glienicke See. It’s really just a frozen lake, but there was so much snow on it that you couldn’t really ice skate, but some people had already brought snow shovels and were shoveling away the snow in areas so that people could actually ice skate.
I have two periods every tuesday in which I don’t have any classes, so usually I would just sit around and do nothing... but this Tuesday, I decided to go to the center of Spandau instead. First I tried to feed the stamp machine all of my pennies and bipennies (the Euro is Germany’s form of currency, and the Euro has 1 cent pieces, 2 cent pieces (hence „bipennies“), 5 cent pieces, 10 cent pieces, 20 cent pieces, 50 cent pieces, 1 Euro pieces, and 2 Euro pieces... from then on everything is in bill form) so that A) I could get rid of my mountain of pocket change (I would feel bad giving a person a billion pennies, ya know?), and B) I sort of need stamps. My mommy always gave me something for Valentine’s Day, and I finally have a boyfriend (that sounds a bit desperate...), so I want to at least send them postcards... sending packages is kind of expensive, but I am very happy with a package I got recently. I very nice person sent me a lot of CANDY. That’s perfect, because I love CANDY. I’ve been eating a lot more CANDY in Germany, but I’ve actually lost weight... ok, I’ve been pathetically trying to fit CANDY into the last few sentences, because I really just wanted to write CANDY xD.
Anyways. I also bought a 4 Gigabyte memory card with a 5 year garuntee for my camera for only 11,99 Euros. That’s like 15 dollars. Beat that! Also, another wonderful amazing little thing about Germany, is that the sales tax is ALWAYS included in the price... and they seperate their trash into different bins to help the environment.
Ok, so I am leaving on Thursday 21.01.10 to go to Cologne (for a seminar for my exchange program), meeting up with the German exchange student who was at my highschool last year (he also had the same scholarship I do, but just on the German end) on Sunday 24.01.10, coming back to Berlin on Monday 26.01.10, having a Wandertag (basically there’s no school and you go on a fieldtrip with your class) and my 16th Birthday on Tuesday 26.01.10, going to a school-organized spa day instead of school on Thursday 28.01.10, and then having Winter break the whole next week. It’s like everything amazing is happening around my birthday! I am SO happy ^^. Also, another weird thing is that the German school semester, at least in Berlin, ends next week, instead of how ours ends right before Christmas. So, I technically had a week for Christmas and New Year’s breaks, but not the break to split up the semesters yet. A bad thing though, is that the end of the school year is later than the American end... I’m going to end up leaving about a week or two before the school year has actually ended. Maybe then I’ll at least get to miss a test or two ^^.
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