Quite the looker, isn't he? I put him on my lap after my mom saved him from the cats, and he was starting to fall asleep as I stroked his head and his back. He sort of flopped around, instead of flying, and so he most likely injured his wing. He wouldn't eat either, so my mom called an animal shelter, and they came to pick him up. Here is a less creepy looking picture of my owl baby.

I had him for less than 24 hours :'(. But, there will be other owls like him at the animal shelter.
As for exams, today was my last day of college courses at Estrella Mountain Community College. It was interesting, because I realized this college has no "+"s or "-"s on their letter grades, just the letter (for example, B instead of B- or B+). In math I was supposed to have a final exam today, but there was a different surprise... only about four people actually had to take the test. The reason for this is that if the other students took the exam, it wouldn't really effect their grades. I had planned on hanging around and taking the final, but my teacher said he wouldn't grade it, so I just left. These are my final grades for the class (HWK means homework average), and my overall grade was 98.

As for the career and personal development class, my grade is an A. I have no idea what my number grade was in the class, but I got the highest possible letter grade, so yay. They gave us t-shirts, ice cream, and pizza in our last CPD meeting :D.
My reflections on my first college classes are simple... they were very easy.
As a last note, toads sound like chickens when you hold them in your hands with gloves on. The toad that was hanging out with the kittens in my garage (until I picked him up and put him by our citrus trees) also decided to secrete poison (or pee, my mom says he peed) from his glands as soon as I picked him up (if it was pee, then he hadn't used the bathroom in a few days).
Demented???? I'm not so sure the family members of your baby owl (Burrow Owls) are going to appreciate being referred to as "demented looking"....so you best be careful when riding or walking along the canals my little Honey Bunny.....lol